

Recognizing The Most Common Dental Emergencies For Kids

Dental emergencies can happen to any child at any moment. But there are some types of emergencies that are particularly common in kids. Dr. Elias and Dr. Christina frequently treat these emergencies at Saginaw Kids Dentistry. Learn more about these emergencies below. If you think your child needs emergency dental care in Saginaw, Texas, give us a call at (682) 285-1900 to schedule a same-day appointment.

1. Toothaches

Toothaches can be caused by a few different things, including extensive tooth decay or a tooth infection. Toothaches may cause some serious pain, which is your body’s way of telling you that something is wrong. If your child is complaining about a sore, tender, or sensitive tooth, contact us and bring them to Saginaw Kids Dentistry for a checkup right away.

2. Chipped, Cracked, Or Broken Teeth 

Sometimes, kids play too rough, fall down, or take hard hits in sports. This can result in chipped, cracked, or broken teeth. Damaged teeth may cause serious pain and are also prone to becoming infected.

3. Loose Baby Or Adult Teeth

If your child’s baby tooth starts to loosen on its own due to an adult tooth coming in, this is typically not an emergency. Baby teeth naturally fall out to make room for adult teeth. However, if your child has been in an accident that knocked their tooth loose or if you feel that your child is experiencing premature tooth mobility, please contact us immediately. 

Adult teeth are not supposed to fall out, but dental trauma and some oral health issues like bone disease can cause them to loosen. Please contact us immediately if this happens.

4. Avulsed ("Knocked Out") Baby Or Adult Teeth

Whether a baby tooth or an adult tooth has been avulsed ("knocked out"), you should contact us to bring your child to our office immediately.

Your child's oral development may be affected with avulsed teeth. Dr. Elias or Dr. Christina may be able to save the adult tooth by reimplanting it (within a certain time frame of avulsion) and by placing a splint. Knocked out baby teeth are never reimplanted, but you should still contact us so we can assess your child's emergency.

If your child encounters a knocked out adult tooth, recover your child's tooth, place it into a container of cold milk, and come to Saginaw Kids Dentistry ASAP for care.

5. Oral Cuts And Lacerations

Accidents like slip and falls can cause cuts and lacerations to a child's lips, gums, tongue, and cheeks. This may result in serious bleeding and may require stitches. In any situation, please contact us, or take your child to an emergency dentist or an urgent care for stitches.

We are Always Here To Help Your Child Get Out Of Pain!

If you think that your child’s situation counts as an emergency, you’re probably right! And with immediate emergency care in Saginaw, TX, you can alleviate your child’s pain and prevent further complications. So please don’t wait. Contact Saginaw Kids Dentistry at (682) 285-1900 to schedule emergency care now. You can trust Dr. Elias, Dr. Christina, and our dental team to take great care of your little ones, no matter the situation.

Further reading:

Welcome to Saginaw Kids Dentistry

Welcome to Saginaw Kids Dentistry

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Why Choose A Pediatric Dentist Over A General Dentist?

Why Choose A Pediatric Dentist Over A General Dentist?

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At the heart of Saginaw Kids Dentistry is our passion for meeting families, seeing them grow, and being a trustworthy presence for kids and parents alike. If you’re ready to join our patient family, book a visit online today! We are excited to meet you and your child.

little girl brushing her teeth